Humans in the World featuring Zhang Zhong Jiu ('John')

Our third Human in the World focuses on the indefatigable, funny and ever popular Zhang Zhong Jiu, known to most of our travellers as John.

John has been the ground agent, national guide, occasional tour leader and general fixer in China for JBT since 1994. Educated in Beijing and London and widely travelled, John has the unique ability to effortlessly translate not only language but cultural mores and attitudes. He also has an excellent sense of humour, which comes across in the video!

John grew up in Beijing during the Cultural Revolution and provides insight from his lived experience, alongside his in-depth understanding of Chinese history. Having led a wide variety of both cultural and medical groups around China for the last 20 years, his breadth of knowledge is second to none.

Today, John lives with his partner, Vivienne Lu, in Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province. Vivienne has contributed our latest recipe - Shanghai-Sichuan Chicken.

Meet John below!

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