Meet Jo Durrant - Tour leader on tour to Shetland and Orkney

Jo Durrant is the award-winning presenter of “Jo Durrant’s Beautiful Universe”. This is an independent arts & science podcast which won the Sir Arthur Clarke award for Space Achievement in the Media category in 2021.

She’s a highly respected and accomplished interviewer and chair, and a familiar face on stage at events like the Stroud Book Festival & Gloucester History Festival. Jo worked as a presenter/producer/reporter for BBC radio for over 20 years but recently left to go freelance. During her career, she’s interviewed the likes of Brian May, Melanie C, Helen Sharman, Alan Bennett, Chris Hadfield and even Tim Peake (in space!). Jo is passionate about the cross section of arts and science and wants everyone to feel welcome to the conversation.

Travel with Jo to the northern-most reaches of the UK through spectacular landscapes. Discover history that encompasses Neolithic times, the Bronze and Iron Ages, the Picts and the Vikings, and continues into the modern day. This JBT tour takes you to the farthest Scottish Isles, dramatically beautiful and rich in history and culture, to experience both Shetland and Orkney in just over a week.

For more information on this tour, visit

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