Orkney International Science Festival Pass Giveaway

Talking about the highlights of the Orkney International Science Festival (5 - 11 September 2024), Howie Firth offers details of complimentary passes to the festival when booking Shetland and Orkney: The Northern Isles, 1 - 9 September 2024, led by Jo Durrant.

Travel to the northern-most reaches of the UK through spectacular landscapes. Discover history that encompasses Neolithic times, the Bronze and Iron Ages, the Picts and the Vikings, and continues into the modern day. This JBT tour takes you to the farthest Scottish Isles, dramatically beautiful and rich in history and culture, to experience both Shetland and Orkney in just over a week.

Read more about the tour here: www.jonbainestours.com/tours/shetland-and-orkney-the-northern-isles

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